



 우리가 태어나서 죽기까지의 시간은 우주의 관점에서   찰나에 불과하다삶의 시간은  순간이기 때문에 대수롭지 않게 느껴질 수도 있지만오히려 아주 귀중하게 느껴지기도 한다이러한 이유에서 나는 나의  속에서 기억에 남는 장면을 그림으로 기록하는 일에 관심을 가져왔다나는 살아가면서 겪게 되는 다양한 관계와 감정을 그림으로 표현하면서세상을 향한 나의 의지를 확인하고 삶을 의미 있는 것으로 받아들였다.



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기지개 켜는 고양이, A Stretching Cat_캔버스에 유채_72.7×100cm_2021



 이번 전시는어느  내가 예기치 못하게 건강을 잃었다가 다시 천천히 그림을 그릴  있게  시기의 일들을 담고 있다 시간을 집에서 고립된  보내던 나는조금씩산책을   있게 되면서부터  지나다니는 공원의 길고양이들을 만나게 된다오랜 세월 인간의 곁에서 생활해  고양이들은야생동물도 가축도 아닌 모호한 입장에서쉽지 않은 삶을 이어오고 있었다따뜻한 봄날 부드러운 햇볕에 몸을 말리고 시린 겨울 빗물에 몸을 떨다가 2 남짓한 시간을 살고 세상을 떠나는 길고양이들을 보면서환희와 고통이 뒤섞인 세상살이에 대한 인상은 더욱 강렬해졌다나는  속에서 길고양이들이 보여주는 생명의 힘에  위로를 받았다곧이어 나는 어미를 잃은 길고양이 두식이와 가족이 되었고두식이는 선천적인 장애를 이겨내고 살아남으면서    나에게 용기를 가르쳐주었다전시는치열한 삶의 현장에 내몰려 있던 길고양이들과 나의 만남그리고 가족이  길고양이 두식이와 나의 생활을 보여준다.



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소나무 숲의 친구들, Buddies in a Pine Forest_캔버스에 유채_50×60.6cm_2021



 < 섬에 네가 닻을 내리면>소외되어 있던 나의 마음속에 닻을 내린 길고양이들에 관한 이야기이도 하고 세상에 잠시 정박해 있다가 돌아가는 모든 존재에 관한 이야기이기도 하다누군가의 일상을 자세하게 보여주는 것으로도 보편의 삶을 말할  있다는  나의 생각이다생명을 사랑하는 마음으로 가득  있는 나의 그림이삶이 너무 무겁고 어렵게 느껴지는 사람들에게 작은 위안이   있기를 바라본다.







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현명한 고양이, A Wise Cat_캔버스에 유채_53×40.9cm_2021



<When You Drop Anchor on the Island>


 From the cosmic perspective, we always live in the moment until we die. When we view the whole hours of our life as only one moment, we may regard it as insignificant but, at the same time, feel its pricelessness. For this reason, I have been interested in recording the memorable scenes of my life in the form of paintings. Expressing in paintings a variety of relations and emotions I experience in my life, I have reaffirmed my will toward the world and understood life as something meaningful.




길고양이들, Stray Cats_캔버스에 유채_24.2×33.4cm_2020



 The works on display at this exhibition deal with a series of events that happened when I was gradually able to draw again after recovering from the situation of having unexpectedly lied on a sickbed. Spending long hours in isolation on bed at my house, I could again take a walk outdoors when I came across some alley cats in a park that I had always passed by. Those cats – having an ambiguous status of neither wild nor domestic animals – had led a not-so-easy life living with humans in a long history. I have witnessed the life of those alley cats who dry their body with soft sunlight in a warm spring day or shiver in a cold winter rain but mostly live no more than two years. I could not but have a strong impression of their life mixed with joy and suffering. But they showed me the force of life in which I found great solace. Soon afterwards, I admitted Dusik, an alley cat who lost its mother, as a family. Its strong will for survival by overcoming birth defects taught me much courage once again. Thus, the works on display not only feature my encounters with alley cats that had been driven to a life of despair but also my lasting friendship with Dusik. 



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휴일의 고양이, Leisure Time with My Kitty_캔버스에 유채_33.4×45.5cm_2020



 This exhibition is titled “When You Drop Anchor on the Island” partly because it deals with the story of those alley cats that have cast anchor at my heart that had long been alienated and partly because it is the story of all existences who are anchored to the world temporarily before they return to their origin. I believe that I can tell the story of universal life just through a precise portrayal of someone’s daily life. I wish that my paintings based on my strong love of life would be a little comfort to those who feel that life is too heavy to live and hard to endure.


Kang Jeong hyeon



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두식이의 생활8, Life of Dusik8_캔버스에 유채_65.1×90.9cm_2021